我们建立了量子算法设计与电路下限之间的第一一般连接。具体来说,让$ \ mathfrak {c} $是一类多项式大小概念,假设$ \ mathfrak {c} $可以在统一分布下的成员查询,错误$ 1/2 - \ gamma $通过时间$ t $量子算法。我们证明如果$ \ gamma ^ 2 \ cdot t \ ll 2 ^ n / n $,则$ \ mathsf {bqe} \ nsubseteq \ mathfrak {c} $,其中$ \ mathsf {bqe} = \ mathsf {bque} [2 ^ {o(n)}] $是$ \ mathsf {bqp} $的指数时间模拟。在$ \ gamma $和$ t $中,此结果是最佳的,因为它不难学习(经典)时间$ t = 2 ^ n $(没有错误) ,或在Quantum Time $ t = \ mathsf {poly}(n)$以傅立叶采样为单位为1/2美元(2 ^ { - n / 2})$。换句话说,即使对这些通用学习算法的边际改善也会导致复杂性理论的主要后果。我们的证明在学习理论,伪随机性和计算复杂性的几个作品上构建,并且至关重要地,在非凡的经典学习算法与由Oliveira和Santhanam建立的电路下限之间的联系(CCC 2017)。扩展他们对量子学习算法的方法,结果产生了重大挑战。为此,我们展示了伪随机发电机如何以通用方式意味着学习到较低的连接,构建针对均匀量子计算的第一个条件伪随机发生器,并扩展了Impagliazzo,JaiSwal的本地列表解码算法。 ,Kabanets和Wigderson(Sicomp 2010)通过微妙的分析到量子电路。我们认为,这些贡献是独立的兴趣,可能会发现其他申请。
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This white paper lays out a vision of research and development in the field of artificial intelligence for the next decade (and beyond). Its denouement is a cyber-physical ecosystem of natural and synthetic sense-making, in which humans are integral participants$\unicode{x2014}$what we call ''shared intelligence''. This vision is premised on active inference, a formulation of adaptive behavior that can be read as a physics of intelligence, and which inherits from the physics of self-organization. In this context, we understand intelligence as the capacity to accumulate evidence for a generative model of one's sensed world$\unicode{x2014}$also known as self-evidencing. Formally, this corresponds to maximizing (Bayesian) model evidence, via belief updating over several scales: i.e., inference, learning, and model selection. Operationally, this self-evidencing can be realized via (variational) message passing or belief propagation on a factor graph. Crucially, active inference foregrounds an existential imperative of intelligent systems; namely, curiosity or the resolution of uncertainty. This same imperative underwrites belief sharing in ensembles of agents, in which certain aspects (i.e., factors) of each agent's generative world model provide a common ground or frame of reference. Active inference plays a foundational role in this ecology of belief sharing$\unicode{x2014}$leading to a formal account of collective intelligence that rests on shared narratives and goals. We also consider the kinds of communication protocols that must be developed to enable such an ecosystem of intelligences and motivate the development of a shared hyper-spatial modeling language and transaction protocol, as a first$\unicode{x2014}$and key$\unicode{x2014}$step towards such an ecology.
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我们开发了一种主动推论中的策略选择方法,该方法使我们能够通过将每个策略映射到矢量空间中的嵌入来有效地搜索大型策略空间。我们采样了空间中代表点的预期自由能,然后在此初始样本中最有希望的点进行更彻底的策略搜索。我们考虑了创建策略嵌入空间的各种方法,并建议使用K-均值聚类选择代表点。我们将技术应用于面向目标的图形 - 传播问题,对于中等大型图,天真的策略选择也很棘手。
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SIM到现实的转移是机器人增强学习的强大范式。在模拟中训练政策的能力可以以低成本快速探索和大规模数据收集。但是,机器人策略的SIM到现实转移的先前工作通常不涉及任何人类机器人的相互作用,因为准确模拟人类行为是一个空旷的问题。在这项工作中,我们的目标是利用模拟的力量来训练熟练在部署时与人类互动的机器人政策。但是有一个鸡肉和鸡蛋问题 - 我们如何收集人与物理机器人互动的例子,以在模拟中对人类行为进行建模,而没有已经有能够与人相互作用的机器人?我们提出的方法,即迭代-SIM-to-real(I-S2R),试图解决这个问题。 I-S2R引导程序来自一个简单的人类行为模型和在模拟和在现实世界中部署的训练之间的交替。在每次迭代中,人类行为模型和政策都得到了完善。我们在现实世界的机器人乒乓球环境中评估我们的方法,该机器人的目标是尽可能长时间与人类玩家合作。乒乓球是一项高速,充满活力的任务,要求两名球员对彼此的举动迅速做出反应,从而使测试床具有挑战性,以研究人类机器人互动。我们在一个工业机器人手臂上介绍了结果,该机器人能够与人类球员合作打乒乓球,平均获得22次连续击球的集会,充其量只有150个。此外,对于80%的球员来说,与SIM-TO-REAL(S2R)基线相比,拉力长度长70%至175%。有关我们系统中的视频,请参见https://sites.google.com/view/is2r。
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语言模型既展示了定量的改进,又展示了新的定性功能,随着规模的增加。尽管它们具有潜在的变革性影响,但这些新能力的特征却很差。为了为未来的研究提供信息,为破坏性的新模型能力做准备,并改善社会有害的效果,至关重要的是,我们必须了解目前和近乎未来的能力和语言模型的局限性。为了应对这一挑战,我们介绍了超越模仿游戏基准(Big Bench)。 Big Bench目前由204个任务组成,由132家机构的442位作者贡献。任务主题是多样的,从语言学,儿童发展,数学,常识性推理,生物学,物理学,社会偏见,软件开发等等。 Big-Bench专注于被认为超出当前语言模型的功能的任务。我们评估了OpenAI的GPT型号,Google内部密集变压器体系结构和大型基础上的开关稀疏变压器的行为,跨越了数百万到数十亿个参数。此外,一个人类专家评估者团队执行了所有任务,以提供强大的基准。研究结果包括:模型性能和校准都随规模改善,但绝对的术语(以及与评估者的性能相比);在模型类中的性能非常相似,尽管带有稀疏性。逐渐和预测的任务通常涉及大量知识或记忆成分,而在临界规模上表现出“突破性”行为的任务通常涉及多个步骤或组成部分或脆性指标;社交偏见通常会随着含糊不清的环境而随着规模而增加,但这可以通过提示来改善。
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光学系统的可区分模拟可以与基于深度学习的重建网络结合使用,以通过端到端(E2E)优化光学编码器和深度解码器来实现高性能计算成像。这使成像应用程序(例如3D定位显微镜,深度估计和无透镜摄影)通过优化局部光学编码器。更具挑战性的计算成像应用,例如将3D卷压入单个2D图像的3D快照显微镜,需要高度非本地光学编码器。我们表明,现有的深网解码器具有局部性偏差,可防止这种高度非本地光学编码器的优化。我们使用全球内核傅里叶卷积神经网络(Fouriernets)基于浅神经网络体系结构的解码器来解决此问题。我们表明,在高度非本地分散镜头光学编码器捕获的照片中,傅立叶网络超过了现有的基于网络的解码器。此外,我们表明傅里叶可以对3D快照显微镜的高度非本地光学编码器进行E2E优化。通过将傅立叶网和大规模多GPU可区分的光学模拟相结合,我们能够优化非本地光学编码器170 $ \ times $ \ times $ tos 7372 $ \ times $ \ times $ \ times $比以前的最新状态,并证明了ROI的潜力-type特定的光学编码使用可编程显微镜。
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We derive a set of causal deep neural networks whose architectures are a consequence of tensor (multilinear) factor analysis. Forward causal questions are addressed with a neural network architecture composed of causal capsules and a tensor transformer. The former estimate a set of latent variables that represent the causal factors, and the latter governs their interaction. Causal capsules and tensor transformers may be implemented using shallow autoencoders, but for a scalable architecture we employ block algebra and derive a deep neural network composed of a hierarchy of autoencoders. An interleaved kernel hierarchy preprocesses the data resulting in a hierarchy of kernel tensor factor models. Inverse causal questions are addressed with a neural network that implements multilinear projection and estimates the causes of effects. As an alternative to aggressive bottleneck dimension reduction or regularized regression that may camouflage an inherently underdetermined inverse problem, we prescribe modeling different aspects of the mechanism of data formation with piecewise tensor models whose multilinear projections are well-defined and produce multiple candidate solutions. Our forward and inverse neural network architectures are suitable for asynchronous parallel computation.
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The existing methods for video anomaly detection mostly utilize videos containing identifiable facial and appearance-based features. The use of videos with identifiable faces raises privacy concerns, especially when used in a hospital or community-based setting. Appearance-based features can also be sensitive to pixel-based noise, straining the anomaly detection methods to model the changes in the background and making it difficult to focus on the actions of humans in the foreground. Structural information in the form of skeletons describing the human motion in the videos is privacy-protecting and can overcome some of the problems posed by appearance-based features. In this paper, we present a survey of privacy-protecting deep learning anomaly detection methods using skeletons extracted from videos. We present a novel taxonomy of algorithms based on the various learning approaches. We conclude that skeleton-based approaches for anomaly detection can be a plausible privacy-protecting alternative for video anomaly detection. Lastly, we identify major open research questions and provide guidelines to address them.
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Several self-supervised representation learning methods have been proposed for reinforcement learning (RL) with rich observations. For real-world applications of RL, recovering underlying latent states is crucial, particularly when sensory inputs contain irrelevant and exogenous information. In this work, we study how information bottlenecks can be used to construct latent states efficiently in the presence of task-irrelevant information. We propose architectures that utilize variational and discrete information bottlenecks, coined as RepDIB, to learn structured factorized representations. Exploiting the expressiveness bought by factorized representations, we introduce a simple, yet effective, bottleneck that can be integrated with any existing self-supervised objective for RL. We demonstrate this across several online and offline RL benchmarks, along with a real robot arm task, where we find that compressed representations with RepDIB can lead to strong performance improvements, as the learned bottlenecks help predict only the relevant state while ignoring irrelevant information.
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Three main points: 1. Data Science (DS) will be increasingly important to heliophysics; 2. Methods of heliophysics science discovery will continually evolve, requiring the use of learning technologies [e.g., machine learning (ML)] that are applied rigorously and that are capable of supporting discovery; and 3. To grow with the pace of data, technology, and workforce changes, heliophysics requires a new approach to the representation of knowledge.
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